Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Winter is coming!
It got cold this week. It warmed back up a bit but it definately
dropped. We are just about ready for winter and it is going to be a
very cold one. Its amazing how cold it can get and still not snow,
although it did snow this last week in a bunch of areas where it never
We had a good first week of the transfer. It is Aquino´s last transfer
in the mission and I'm trying to help him finish out strong. I have
been with him longer then any other missionary in his mission but its
been a good time. We actually had a very good week even though we had
a bunch of interruptions.
My new district consists of two elders in the other side of Banfield
where i am and the assistants to the mission. The other two elders in
Banfield on monday lost there electricity because of kids who cut the
power lines and took them, so they moved inot our pinch for a time.
Its a tight squeeze but it works. We on the spur of the moment did
splits in our area and i got fodged by every one while my comp got to
eat dinner. We also had a service project where my digging came in
handy. I got to dig a big hole for a member here to put a column in
for his house. Turns out lots of people here think that the americans
are lazy and bad workers, not anymore!!!
Friday was an awesome day because we had to once again plan double
plans for the day because i had to take two new missionaries with me
for the afternoon and Aquino took another one. We ended up finding an
innactive member family of 8 and a daughter who wants to get baptized.
It went very well and it helped lift my spirits again. That night my
comp got the dinner again and i got a bunch af walking but at least i
was able to do it with a fellow texan!!!!
Saturday was my first day of english classes. We had 5 people show up
and we taught the alphabet, pronounciation, and how to say a prayer in
english. It went pretty well,but i hope i get better at teaching the
poor people. lol. The next week we are expected to have many more
people but we will see.
Now yesterday, It happened again. Five minutes before church they tell
me i have to speak so i hurry and prepare something. Not going to lie
I have been excited and anxious to speak in my ward. Well my comp took
all of my time so maybe i will get another chance.
It seems we are really making a difference here. It is amazing just to
look around the room and see all the people. Many of them would not
have come if we had not just gone by and seen them. Speaking of that,
interesting experience. Wednesday we were walking around(side note, i
still dont know exactly how the spirit works or recognize it) and a
name of a sister in our ward popped into my head. We decided to pass
by and see how she was doing. Turns out she was in bed unnable to
walk, eat, and let alone barely talk. I dont know what exaclty was
wrong but she was in a lot of pain. We gave her a blessing and left,
but it was nice to feel that this day, i was able to help someone. It
is an amazing feeling to just think about how youcan be halping
someone in there life. This time is flying by but I am enjoying it.
Love, Elder Martino
Monday, June 4, 2012
This week flew by. much faster then i expected. It was the last week
of transfers and i expected it to go a little slower.
First, I would like to share a couple weird/funny experiences. Friday
afternoon and saturday morning we did intercambios(cant remember in
english) and i got some american time with the only other white
missionary in my district. Well, i went to his area and we had a day
with alot of walking and clapping houses. We did find an interesting
guy. You ever seen the cartoons where a drunk guy cant stop hicupping?
Well that was him. He looked exactly what i would picture as a drunk
cartoon. We told us over and over they liked us and didnt want to rob
us but wanted to make sure no one else robbed us.
Another morning Aquino and I were contacting a house and no one came
out. Across the street was an elderly lady mowing her yard so we
crossed and offered to help. Turns out here name was Marcelo, she is
not a she, and he/she/it likes our church but ya we left a pamphlet
and continued.
Last night, we also came across a big group of pibes in the corner. We
pass them pretty often and they know us. One tries to speak english
but is usually completely wasted. Well yesterday I was told that one
of them liked me, not like a buddy. So for now on we are walking a
different route.lol. Its normal for girls to say stuff here but a dude
is something that kinda freaks you out.
We had a awesome service. My comp cut the grass and i re-did the
garden. Well we had many people pass and ask if we could come do there
house too. Service for a lesson. She was very happy with our work and
tells all of her neighbors.
Now for the good part. We had a zone conference this wednesday and it
was great, very long but great. Something that mainly hit me was first
our word. If i say i will do something then i will do it. There is a
quote and i cant remember exactly how it goes but something to the
fact of if you put me in a super strong jail with walls 10 feet under
ground, I could perhaps find a way out but if you draw a circle around
me and tell me not to leave it and i agree, then i will die before i
leave that circle.
Something else we talked about was the anti-nephi-lehis and want the
parents did and we did it ourselves. It seemed like a little kid thing
but i wrote down that night the habits or things i wanted to get rid
of and then do it. Since then i have felt much better. Many people
think you have to let something go little by little. Whether it be
tobacco, alcohol, pornography, anger, or impatience, you dont have to
slowly let it go. It is much better to just drop it once. Yes, you
might turn back and do it again once or twice but you cant give up on
yourself or others. It seems right now we have a handful of poeple
that cant give up certaine vices. They believe it is impossible but
its a lie. You have to learn to over come or body. One of the hardest
things in life is to learn that your spirit and body are together but
seperate. You have to differentiate between the two and learn to
control yourself. Its hard but it brings alot of peace.
Love, Elder Martino
I sent a picture of my new suit coat. lol. 50 pesos! 12 dollars.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Happy Now and Forever-After
The week ended!! Through all the trouble and wrestling we got the baptism.
The baptism was definately the highlight of the week. We did it 8 at
night after a birthday party and an elders quoram activity which even
though was a hassle, it turned out to help. We ended up having alot of
support of less-actives and even a couple investigators. The mom
showed up from work and it went great! The bishop baptized him and it
went better then I expected. The only thing that didnt work out was a
certain leader who is always supposed to help us and didnt and then
when the baptism came he claimed to have done it all himself, but hey,
he can say it was him all he wants, every other person knows who it
was that visited them.
Tuesday we found an innactive member that was pretty interesting. She
doesnt go because she cant walk or do anything basically. Cool little
fact about her, she raised a puma. She had pictures with it as well as
many missionaries. She raised it and had it in her house for 14 years.
It never bit anybody but scared the pee out of lots of people. To say
the least she never got robbed. I thought that was freakin awesome. I
think i might have to raise a large cat in my house one day.
The rest of the week was pretty normal. Saturday morning we had a
service project. An interesting one we were asked to help with. They
wanted to move an old car that had been in this spot for 7 years. The
tires were half way stuck in mud and very hard to get out. My comp
still cant do a whole lot of lifting so it was one of us...I am
definately not that strong but with a 4 by 4 i could lift a corner of
the car at a time so he could put something beneath. In the end once
we lifted it we still couldnt move it. That will be for another day
when we have more help.
This is the last week of the transfer and we will see what happens. We
also heard that we missionaries will get to participate in the
re-dedication of the temple here on September 9. I am pretty excited
for that along with the month prior the temple is open to all public
and we have many people excited to go. Hopefully this can be a big
tool for us.
Something that came up a couple times this week i have been thinking
about. Last night in the street a man stopped us. All of his friends
were drunk and he was on his way. We started to talk to him and he
asked us a question that hit me. ¨What do you have besides a white
shirt a tie that I dont have? I have a son, house, car, and
motorcycle. The only thing i dnt have is a woman. Is the problem me?
What is it that you have that i dont?¨ i thought about it alot and
really weird but I had a dream last night. It was nothing special
except 2 sides of what my life could be like. On one side its alright,
i have everything in the world i could want, and on the other side, I
dont have everything material wise but i have a healthy family that
has everything they need and we are happy, happy ever-after. The world
paints happily ever-after as a dream for little kids, but we as
latter-day saints should know that it is real and any person can have
it. It takes work, determination, and putting off certain desires or
wishes, but it brings much more joy. For me i think I already have
happily for now and ever-after.
Love, Elder Martino
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Well we definately started the week off interesting. Monday night I
had the most uncomfortable lesson in my mission so far. The mom(not
biological but since they were one or two years old) is innactive and
the two daughters are 14 and 16 but also go to church. She is upset
that they lie and disrespect her and her husband all the time. The
husband was in the next room listening and the other room was 4
teenage boys playing videogames. Well she starts yelling and the 16
year old is crying(the mom was saying some really hurtful stuff) and
the 14 year old is off in her own little world. The mom expected the
daughters to be perfect because they went to church and if not they
shouldnt go to church. Well we tried our best without hurting anybody
to help them. I ended up hearing the Chaco version of the boy who
cried wolf from my companion which was interesting...I also tried to
let the mom know that her daughters were good girls. I ended up
telling her that they are much better then what i was and it takes
alot of patience from a parent to deal with that. Those years are hard
but the parents always need to be there to back there kids up.
Quick side note. I am teaching a new member family right now how to
do family history work, while learning myself, and teaching english to
him and his family. Well the intersting thing is trying to teach
something i dont know much about and that the dude looks and acts
exactly like Chris Rock..
Other then that we have had alot of rain and been doin some fun
service projects and meeting lots of new people. This week we had alot
of success which was great. Yesterday in church is the main thing that
has hit me this week. In Elders Class we are studying the book of
George Albert Smith and i want to share a story out of it.
Prayer allows us to talk to our Heavenly Father as though He were present.
It is a wonderful blessing that we enjoy in these times of stress and
uncertainty to feel sure of divine guidance, to have absolute faith in
a personal God who is interested in us and who hears and answers our
A number of years ago … I heard of [a] nine-year-old boy, an orphan,
who was hurried off to the hospital, where examination indicated that
he had to be operated upon without delay. He had been living with
friends who had given him a home. His father and mother, (when they
were alive) had taught him to pray; thus, when he came to the
hospital, the thing he wanted was to have the Lord help him.
The doctors had decided to hold a consultation. When he was wheeled
into the operating room, he looked around and saw the nurses and the
doctors who had consulted on his case. He knew that it was serious,
and he said to one of them, as they were preparing to give him the
anesthetic: “Doctor, before you begin to operate, won’t you please
pray for me?”
The doctor, with seeming embarrassment, offered his excuses and said,
“I can’t pray for you.” Then the boy asked the other doctors, with the
same result.
Finally, something very remarkable happened; this little fellow said,
“If you can’t pray for me, will you please wait while I pray for
They removed the sheet, and he knelt on the operating table, bowed his
head and said, “Heavenly Father, I am only an orphan boy. I am awful
sick. Won’t you please make me well? Bless these men who are going to
operate that they will do it right. If you will make me well, I will
try to grow up to be a good man. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for
making me well.”
When he got through praying, he lay down. The doctors’ and the nurses’
eyes were filled with tears. Then he said, “I am ready.”
The operation was performed. The little fellow was taken back to his
room, and in a few days they took him from the hospital, well on the
way to complete recovery.
Some days after that, a man who had heard of the incident went to the
office of one of the surgeons and said, “Tell me about the operation
you performed a few days ago—the operation on a little boy.”
The surgeon said, “I have operated on several little boys.”
The man added, “This little boy wanted someone to pray for him.”
The doctor said very seriously, “There was such a case, but I don’t
know but that it is too sacred a thing for me to talk about.”
The man said, “Doctor, if you will tell me, I will treat it with
respect; I would like to hear it.”
Then the doctor told the story about as I have retold it here, and
added: “I have operated on hundreds of people, men and women who
thought they had faith to be healed; but never until I stood over that
little boy have I felt the presence of God as I felt it then. That boy
opened the windows of heaven and talked to his Heavenly Father as one
would talk to another face to face. I want to say to you that I am a
better man for having had this experience of standing and hearing a
little boy talk to his Father in heaven as if he were present.”5 [See
suggestion 2 on page 100.]
Let us so live that every night when we kneel to pray and every
morning when we bow before the Lord in thanksgiving, there will be in
us the power to open the heavens so that God will hear and answer our
prayers that we will know that we are approved of Him.6
If the faith of a nine year old boy without a family who is facing a
serious surgery is that strong, why cant I and why cant you have this
same unshakeable faith in our daily lives. Prayer is our only personal
communication with our father. He wants to help us and listen to our
problems and he will. The question is if we will let him and recognize
wqhat he does for us.
Love, Elder Martino
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Finally a Baptism!
This week flew by but it was good and we finally got a baptism. We had
the opportunity to do exchanges with my district leader which was good
and we found and taught some good people.
On wednesday we found this old lady named Nancy who is great. She
seems like a great woman that is excited to listen and learn. She did
tell us how when she was 15 she had a vision. She had seen a giant
brain that talked to her and told her many things about God. This got
me thinking a little. She defiantely isnt the only person here who
talks about having visions or dreams so its not too out of the normal,
although a giant brain is new to me. We started to talk afterwards and
i came to three conclusions. One, is that there is some crazy drugs in
the water here. Two, is satan is known to appear great at times and
teach twisted truths. If someone sees a vision they immediately think
it is of god and Satan uses that to his advantage. We need to make
sure that everything is absolute truths from God. The third is that
anybody can recive a vision or see things and it can be from God.
Going along with that story later that day we were clapping a house
and a completely wasted man started to yell at us in broken english to
come over to him. Before the woman could come to the door he had come
over to us and kept her from leaving which made her stay inside. I did
learn a couple things. First, he is one of the only billionaires in
argentina and obama gave him and his wife a watch for that. Second is
that he wants to have a kid in Miami so it can speak two languages.
Never would have guessed he was so rich with a ciggarette in one hand
and a box of wine in the other...
the good news is saturday we had a great baptism that turned out
different then i expected but we got her dunked which was good. Her
name is Anna Maria and she is one of the sweetest old woman i know.
She is mother of none but aunt to all. Everytime we met her she made
me think of my two grandmothers that i still have living. Very special
women with power to influence many people. She loves the church and
loves feeling so loved by everyone. The beautiful thing is that that
is our church. Our church is to strengthen one another so that we can
as a group reach our goal to live in heaven with eachother and God.
What would heaven be if we were alone? Very rarely in life can we find
true happiness that solely involves ourselves. At least for me, true
happiness comes at times and occasions that dont solely involve me.
Life you always say dad, pleasure is much different than happiness.
Pleasure is a lonely feeling of short term contentment that is
followed by more loneliness. Happiness on the other hand is a feeling
to be shared that brings true joy. Most always it is followed by a
smile which spreads like wildfire to whoever is around you. Just this
morning I was talking with the lady who manages our apartment. Many
people here think that we in the states are a very cold hearted people
that mind our own business. Sad to say but it is true for the most
part, but it is true all around the world. Whats different is us. We
ourselves, member of the church or not, are the ones that make
differences. Every word we say or every action we do can change ours
and someone elses life forever. The question is will it be for the
better or will we tear people down. We'll pass people in the street
with our heads down focusing on our own problems or will we look up
with a smile on our face greeting people as we walk by. Every single
one of us has the same goal whether we know it or not, and every
single one of us has our own challenges, and every single one of us
has the duty to help one another. Not one of us can reach heaven
without helping others reach heaven. After all, what would heaven be
without our friends and family.
Sorry for the rambling but i was thinking about this topic alot this week.
Love, Elder Martino
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Quick Week
Well it was a quick week. The cold is coming in and i love it. Every
one here says that everyone gets fat in the winter so im getting
ready. Just to make sure, if i come back a butterball are people still
going to like me?
We had a couple days this week when the work was very slow and the
walking never ended. The good thing is we have gained the trust of
many many members including the bishop(paso a paso). I had great
success with less active members along with great food which helped!
This week we get to go cook ñokis for a less active family who came to
church for the first time in a while.
This weekend coming up is exciting. So many things that are going to
happen. We have a baptism on Saturday which of course is 5 de Mayo and
of course we are going to celebrate mexican style! Sunday we have ward
conference and the members are helping us to get many people there. We
have over 600 members with about 100 active...Our goal is to have many
more present.
I have one member here who is known through the missionaries as never
liking an elder. Well, the other day we wanted to study Jesus the
Christ with us. Let me just say that when i read that book in English
i feel like im reading in a different language. Spanish made it that
much harder but almost easier to understand. Turns out that he likes
me. I have no clue what i did but we sat and just studied part of a
chapter and it went very well.
Last night as well we had a noche de hogar with a couple. Turns out
they had just had a fight and she wouldnt come out but whatever. We
were reading and talking and the guy ended up saying that he feels as
if I were his counselor in heaven before this life...Not sure what he
meant by that but, cool. They always say in your mission you find
people who knew you before this life...
This week all in all was a struggle. I wont say why but in every
prayer i said(including the many extra prayers) i was asking for the
lord to give me patience. The days we were long and my comp and I just
didnt agree on certain things. Turns out God just doesnt all of the
sudden make me like Job. Once again it comes peace by peace and alot
of work. I did alot of reading and studying as well. It is amazing
what help it is when you just forget about yourself. Forget about what
i want, what i think is a better idea, what i need, or what i would
do. If i start to think how can i help this person, what does it hurt
if we do this, what does this person need, or how can i make this
person happier. If my goal is to make others happy, i will be happy
Love, Elder Martino
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
It was a good week! We had the doctor on Tuesday and got the ok to go
out and work more. We rest a couple hours in the afternoon but work in
the morning and late afternoon all night. We had to start almost all
over but it went well. Many people we couldnt find again but we had
alot of success of finding others.
Well as you can see i got my haircut by a member in my ward. I figured
what is the worst that can happen...Well it really made me think when
he started to cry while cutting my hair..Oh, and it was all with
scissors too... Well it didnt turn out too bad, a little short but im
ok with it. Afterwards I got up on his roof and put new tin down and
fixed the rest of it.
Besides that not a whole lot happened. The cold has started to come in
which i like. There is now light in all my area and everything is
mostly back to normal. Oh, we did have transfers and president decided
to keep us together which i think will be good.
I did some reading the other day and find a scripture i really liked.
D&C 6:29-31. In these it pretty much describes why we should have no
fear to share the gospel. Usually we say the worst they can do is say
no but the truth is the worst they can do is kill us. I doubt that
will to ever to many of us but its a reassurance (sp) that as long as
we share it we are blessed if they say yes or no. It was a little
boost for me. I often didnt like clapping houses but where can i go
wrong if im sharing what i should and how i should.
Love, Elder Martino
Monday, April 16, 2012
Lots of Rest .....
Well, I have been in the pench almost all day everyday. We did go to
the doctor last Tuesday and find out his shoulder is completely broken
and not just fractured. Cool part was they sent us two and the three
assistants walking through the hospital which was fun to look at all
the faces but it got really old after waiting 4 hours for the doctor
then meeting with him for less then 5 minutes.
Well Wednesday we had a member who told me he would go out with me
while my comp stayed with a member. Well, we got to his house and he
wasn't feeling well..cool, back to the pench. Thursday a member did go
with me from 3 to 5 before we had to open up his store and it actually
went very well. Friday, no one could help us. Saturday I got to go out
again from 3-6 which was great. I went with Hermano Villalba, an
elderly man in my ward, who surprisingly walks a good pace and helped
alot. We had a couple interesting lessons, one more then the others.
Its another elderly man that we had a baptismal date for this coming
Saturday. I will say he pulled every surprise out of the book i could
think of. Turns out after telling us over and over he had quit
drinking that he hadn't. He said that he always likes to have a little
glass of wine when he eats...I'm not too sure it is only a little as
the man is swaying back and forth but hey. That was surprise one i
tried to confront and teach. Problem two was when his 40 year old son
stares at me from the hallway for a couple minutes then starts asking
me what i wanted because the dog wouldn't stop barking. Well, all i
want is to talk with your father and you also if your interested. He
didn't like that too much and asked again what i wanted because the dog
from outside wouldn't stop barking. Well i said, ¨I really don't want
anything more then to talk with your dad. The dog probably wont stop
barking because he wants to play with someone.¨ He then walked away
and left us to talk. Now for the best problem. One I have not come
across yet. The last time we talked to him was about baptism and he
really liked the idea of being baptized like Jesus so you know what he
did? He went to a different church and did don't get himself
baptized...That one threw me way off guard and we talked about it a
little but he started to cry about other stuff that was happening in
life so we left it for another time.
Sunday we had stake conference and my comp and I had dates! Sort of...
We picked up an elderly woman who we have been teaching that was
excited to come with us. Then we stopped by to pick up some inactive
young men who said they would go with us but they weren't there,
instead their grandma walked out and wanted to come with us. We had to
take a taxi and then a bus to get there but it went very well. Mom, I
don't think you will ever in your life want to take a taxi here.
It was a slower week but this week we should find out what will be
happening with my comp and I.
Elder Martino
Monday, April 9, 2012
My Third Companion
We got completely worked over this week. The week was going well, very
well until Wednesday night. We were with an innactive family at about
730 and it started to rain/hail. At 8 we had an appointment with a
lady that i didnt want to miss. The rain stopped for a second and it
seemed it would be a good time to run to the next cita before it
started again. We didnt make it. When you are in the street and it
sounds louder then a stadium full of Boca or River fans coming
straight at you, its nevver good. We were running in the middle of the
street for the darkness and everything else til it got bad. Tin
roofing started to fly everywhere from peoples roofs. Flew int he air
and cut almost every power line with ease. At this point we are about
5 blocks from anyone we know. We are sprinting along side the houses.
Everything is flooded and at this point im not a big fan of walking in
the rain. Samye, you said I have a third companion. I dont think you
know how true it is. I didnt hear a voice or a thing. My comp is
running about 10 feet in front of me and my body stops. I dont know
how but i stopped. A spliot second later i hear a loud crack and a
large tree falls in front of me and breaks through a brick wall. My
comp looked back and couldnt see me so came around the tree and just
saw me dazed for a second. We keep running and a man lets us in his
store for a second. When it all passed we went outside. Every cable
line was cut and most of them were live. Tin roofing and trees are
everywhereand the streets are flooded in a foot of water. This was
definately an experience i wont forget and i definately feel someone,
my third companion, had saved me.
There is still no power in most of our area except acouple streets by
our pench. We made it back that night and were out helping people pull
trees off power lines and off there houses. A man lent us a hatchet
for the next day to use.
Thursday morning we leave in service clothes and walk the streets
looking for help. We fixed the roofing tiles of a member then moved
on. There is a big plaza in our area that we walked by. 75% of the
trees are down. We see a corner house with what seemed 5 grandmas
watching as an eleven year old kid is trying to cut this massive tree.
We offer our help and well long story short my comp fell saving
another dude from killing himself with a chainsaw and broke his
shoulder. The rest of the day was in the hospital which was full of
people. 7 people ended up dying in the storm. No one here has ever
seen a storm that strong.
Since then we have been in the apartment. Tommorow we have an
appointment in the hospital and most likely he will end up going home.
We has 3 months left and my guess is it will take at least 6 weeks to
heal. I might go into a triple, get a mini missionary, or work with
members. Im not a big fan of this past week but at least i am alive.
Apart from the the bad of this week a couple good or interesting
things happened. We found 2 great families, i saw and pet a 200lb
rotweiler(its not a lie either), and i have fixed about every little
thing in my pench i can find. Also funny story. So in Argentina there
are always trucks driving by with microphones selling fruits and
veggies. Well we are walking the other day and see a kid that is
drugged out of his mind. He is riding his bike and announcing fruits
and veggies through his athsma inhaler...Its sad but at the same time
Well its been a long but quick week. At nights there are riots in the
streets yelling. Still no electricity in half my area or water. Oh and
this is for you mom. My patience has gotten alot better i think. I
cook, clean, and do everything else for my comp now. I even have to
dress the kid.(except the garments).
Love, Elder Martino
well until Wednesday night. We were with an innactive family at about
730 and it started to rain/hail. At 8 we had an appointment with a
lady that i didnt want to miss. The rain stopped for a second and it
seemed it would be a good time to run to the next cita before it
started again. We didnt make it. When you are in the street and it
sounds louder then a stadium full of Boca or River fans coming
straight at you, its nevver good. We were running in the middle of the
street for the darkness and everything else til it got bad. Tin
roofing started to fly everywhere from peoples roofs. Flew int he air
and cut almost every power line with ease. At this point we are about
5 blocks from anyone we know. We are sprinting along side the houses.
Everything is flooded and at this point im not a big fan of walking in
the rain. Samye, you said I have a third companion. I dont think you
know how true it is. I didnt hear a voice or a thing. My comp is
running about 10 feet in front of me and my body stops. I dont know
how but i stopped. A spliot second later i hear a loud crack and a
large tree falls in front of me and breaks through a brick wall. My
comp looked back and couldnt see me so came around the tree and just
saw me dazed for a second. We keep running and a man lets us in his
store for a second. When it all passed we went outside. Every cable
line was cut and most of them were live. Tin roofing and trees are
everywhereand the streets are flooded in a foot of water. This was
definately an experience i wont forget and i definately feel someone,
my third companion, had saved me.
There is still no power in most of our area except acouple streets by
our pench. We made it back that night and were out helping people pull
trees off power lines and off there houses. A man lent us a hatchet
for the next day to use.
Thursday morning we leave in service clothes and walk the streets
looking for help. We fixed the roofing tiles of a member then moved
on. There is a big plaza in our area that we walked by. 75% of the
trees are down. We see a corner house with what seemed 5 grandmas
watching as an eleven year old kid is trying to cut this massive tree.
We offer our help and well long story short my comp fell saving
another dude from killing himself with a chainsaw and broke his
shoulder. The rest of the day was in the hospital which was full of
people. 7 people ended up dying in the storm. No one here has ever
seen a storm that strong.
Since then we have been in the apartment. Tommorow we have an
appointment in the hospital and most likely he will end up going home.
We has 3 months left and my guess is it will take at least 6 weeks to
heal. I might go into a triple, get a mini missionary, or work with
members. Im not a big fan of this past week but at least i am alive.
Apart from the the bad of this week a couple good or interesting
things happened. We found 2 great families, i saw and pet a 200lb
rotweiler(its not a lie either), and i have fixed about every little
thing in my pench i can find. Also funny story. So in Argentina there
are always trucks driving by with microphones selling fruits and
veggies. Well we are walking the other day and see a kid that is
drugged out of his mind. He is riding his bike and announcing fruits
and veggies through his athsma inhaler...Its sad but at the same time
Well its been a long but quick week. At nights there are riots in the
streets yelling. Still no electricity in half my area or water. Oh and
this is for you mom. My patience has gotten alot better i think. I
cook, clean, and do everything else for my comp now. I even have to
dress the kid.(except the garments).
Love, Elder Martino
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
End of the Week was good!
This week was filled with alot of walking, rejection, returning, more
rejection, and bad news. The work this week was a little more
difficult than usual. We did have alot of good service this week which
was good but that was about it. Mostly all of our lessons fell through
or if they did happen they weren't what I was hoping.
Monday we started off good. We had two good lessons one of which was
with our relief society president and second counselor in the ward and
there family. This lesson did have a positive outcome. They asked us
if we could help out with a couple things and we had feedback from
others it was a good noche de hogar. That is a good promising sign for
us that the members are gaining more trust in us.
Wednesday was interviews with President. It was early on in the
transfer but they went great. Its always good to talk to him and it
was good to thank him for a couple things. Afterwards we walked to the
other end of our area for lunch who had forgotten about us so we did
what any hungry man here would do, we bought choripan in the street.
Don't get me wrong, it was pretty yummy but we definitely wont be going
back to that guy. Made the rest of the day super great!! That night we
went to visit a member in the villa who wanted to visit with us. Turns
out we found out their oven and stove was leaking gas. First we fixed
that, then the freezer, then some electrical problems. Not the best to
walk through the villa at night but super cool part is the member gave
me one of his old sport coats that didn't fit him anymore! Pictures to
come another day.
Through out the rest of the week we lost alot of lessons but kept
going. A couple interesting family home evenings that didn't pan out
how i expected but that's how it goes. As we talked to a member Friday
something he said stood out to me. ¨Those who don't live to serve don't
serve to live.¨Kind of interesting no?
Conference was wonderful except for that fact that every person who
promised they would come, take a guess, did not come. Well this is
what i say. These two days were days for me and if they didn't want to
share it with me then tomatela! Sorry a little selfish and rude, but
this conference was something i was really looking forward to and it
was amazing. Turns out the church is allowed to sing one of my
favorite hymns again which was a nice surprise. Some of the talks that
really stood out to me where Paul E. Koelliker, Henry B. Eyring,
Jeffrey R. Holland (like always), Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Russell M Nelson
(¨Could an explosion in a print shop produce a dictionary?¨),
President Monson, M Russell Ballard, David F Evans, and Neil L
I would like everyone to look back at what David F Evans said.
Something to the fact of missionaries like getting letters. Tangible
letters that they can touch, read, and take with them. :)
I know i gave yall a challenge for conference and i hope you all did
it. I did do it but i apologize but it is not something i will share.
I did get an answer and i know you could have as well.
Little funny story for the week. I did a full house contact this week
with a parrot this week almost. I clapped and heard hola so i started
to talk. Turns out it was the parrot right there that i had invited to
listen to us. My companion was laughing pretty hard.
Love, Elder Martino
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Cooling Down!
The days are definately cooling down. Today is actually pretty chilly
and im already sick. This week defiantely flew by very quick. We had a
very good week this week as far as numbers went and a couple days.
Other days were rough and alot of rejection and walking.
Monday it rained all afternoon and night. It was kind of funny,
walking to a lesson we had this massive black cloud started coming our
way rumbling and lightning. My comp is actually really scared of
lightning when he is in the street. Well we had a couple good lessons
except one really bad one. Member family that is innactive. Father
used to be in the high council but due to all the `corruption` he saw,
he left the church. For the last year the missionaries have been
teaching the family to baptize their son. The father always said that
he was working things out to where he could baptize his son but it
never pulled through. Well we found out the reason that night. We
couldnt even say a prayer but we bore our testimonies and told them
whenever they need something to call us, but as for now we will let
time do its magic. Youd be amazed what time can do for some people.
Wednesday I also faced another question that actually got me in a
little trouble... Well we are with an innactive family and we watch a
boof of mormon dibujito about Nephi and building the ship. Afterwards
the dad pulls a question out of no where! How do we know God and Jesus
isnt black? I immediately started laughing which i dont think he liked
at that moment, but ya... Well he wanted an answer in the bible and he
wanted it then, so this is what i did. :) First I looked in the bible
which it doesnt say anywhere. Turns out it answers it in Moses but not
in the bible. Well i ended up asking him a couple questions. Do you
believe in this church? the book of mormon? ok, cool. So why cant the
answer be there? Really, i could care less if Jesus is white, black,
blue, or red but ya.
This week we found 6 new people that we have baptismal dates for which
should be very good. We got a man to give us his tobacco plant, I got
spit on, we built the roof of a house(half-way), we walked a whole
lot, and and some amazing lessons that made up for it all.
The most exciting thing is this week. Tuesday we have interviews with
president and Saturday and Sunday conference.
Challenge for each one of you. It is the same challenge I am making
with many people here. For the last couple years I have always thought
of a quesion I had in my life. The week before conference I constantly
think about it and study in the scriptures for it, then when
conference comes I take notes on everything, but i especially listen
for an answer. I have found every time I can find an answer to the
question. Whether its the answer i like or not i can find it.
Love, Elder Martino
and im already sick. This week defiantely flew by very quick. We had a
very good week this week as far as numbers went and a couple days.
Other days were rough and alot of rejection and walking.
Monday it rained all afternoon and night. It was kind of funny,
walking to a lesson we had this massive black cloud started coming our
way rumbling and lightning. My comp is actually really scared of
lightning when he is in the street. Well we had a couple good lessons
except one really bad one. Member family that is innactive. Father
used to be in the high council but due to all the `corruption` he saw,
he left the church. For the last year the missionaries have been
teaching the family to baptize their son. The father always said that
he was working things out to where he could baptize his son but it
never pulled through. Well we found out the reason that night. We
couldnt even say a prayer but we bore our testimonies and told them
whenever they need something to call us, but as for now we will let
time do its magic. Youd be amazed what time can do for some people.
Wednesday I also faced another question that actually got me in a
little trouble... Well we are with an innactive family and we watch a
boof of mormon dibujito about Nephi and building the ship. Afterwards
the dad pulls a question out of no where! How do we know God and Jesus
isnt black? I immediately started laughing which i dont think he liked
at that moment, but ya... Well he wanted an answer in the bible and he
wanted it then, so this is what i did. :) First I looked in the bible
which it doesnt say anywhere. Turns out it answers it in Moses but not
in the bible. Well i ended up asking him a couple questions. Do you
believe in this church? the book of mormon? ok, cool. So why cant the
answer be there? Really, i could care less if Jesus is white, black,
blue, or red but ya.
This week we found 6 new people that we have baptismal dates for which
should be very good. We got a man to give us his tobacco plant, I got
spit on, we built the roof of a house(half-way), we walked a whole
lot, and and some amazing lessons that made up for it all.
The most exciting thing is this week. Tuesday we have interviews with
president and Saturday and Sunday conference.
Challenge for each one of you. It is the same challenge I am making
with many people here. For the last couple years I have always thought
of a quesion I had in my life. The week before conference I constantly
think about it and study in the scriptures for it, then when
conference comes I take notes on everything, but i especially listen
for an answer. I have found every time I can find an answer to the
question. Whether its the answer i like or not i can find it.
Love, Elder Martino
Walking the Villa!
Let me tell you. I finally have a straight up villa in my area. The
hood in the states is like a gated community compared to this. Its
called the Ceibo. We cant be there past 6. We are always accompanied
by a member for safety. It is pretty sweet but interesting. Notice, I
have not been robbed yet. Maybe due to the fact because my companion.
Because my companion is only 5 ft everyone thinks im a lot bigger then
i am. Its rather helpful at times when pibes start walking up to us
yelling. First off my companion, Elder Aquino. I do regret something.
I started this transfer off with the wrong mindset. I thought this was
going to be a super hard transfer and difficult and id hate it. Wrong
attitude! Ya my comp is a 5ft butterball-fastwalking-argentine, but he
is great. The kid is 26 and has a real desire to be here. He works
hard and just needs guidance. I am going to learn alot this transfer
but it is going to be a good one. He is a good guy with his heart in
the right place.
Monday was a good but quick night. I got settled into our new pench
then we left to go see a couple people. It rained all night(i have
learned to love walking in the rain). Oh, ha best part. So we are
taking a bus back to our area and Aquino decides he wants an umbrella
for the rain so he buys one from a guy down there. We walk out and
opens it and it breaks in the wind. I was laughing pretty hard and got
him laughing too.
Now Tuesday. Today we went to Ceibo for a bit. I met an old couple who
have been members for 36 years. Really caught me off guard but the man
comes up to me and tells me to sit down in fron of him. He then sits
down on the ground and proceeds to shine my shoes for me. He says it
is what he does for his job and it is what he does for all the
missionaries to pay back a little bit for what they did for him. I
will say it was the best shine i have had ever. It truely that i was
definately going to get robbed after that and have to walk home
without shoes. We went through the villa looking for a couple members
and investigators and a guy stops us. We proceed to talk for a bit in
the middle of the whole place. He proceeds to tell us we are good kids
but doing the devils work. He tries for a while to get us to say a
prayer with him in the middle of the place where we hold hands and
repeat what he says...Well we got him to let us into his house and say
a prayer. We made a deal that we will repeat his prayer about us doing
the devils work if we can say a prayer first. Itwent well i guess...
Quick side note, the members i mentioned above have two dogs.
Interesting but these two dogs follow us everywhere we go inside the
villa. If we go inside a house they wait outside then continue with
us. They bark at anybody we dont know or any dog that tries to
approach us. Kind of cool.
The rest of the week passed by way quick. Everyday we somehow ended up
to come back to the pench with more food that we didnt buy. Im trying
hard not to get fat mom.
Saturday. Well we did 2 service projects that took all day. In the
morning we were building ahouse and in the afternoon we helped a
family move. It took forever!! Their old house was a small passage way
that passed 4 other houses all the way to their house in thevery back.
The passage is just barely wide enough to fit their kitchen table
through. That took a while but nothing compared to what happened next.
Aquino and I rode in the back of the moving truck in pitch dark
singing hymns for about 30 mins with everything bouncing all over the
place. We get to the new house and it is the same situation but
skinnier AND the neighbor had built a skaffelding(sp) to build up on
his house. The stories high and very very shaky. Its a good thing you
werent there mom cuz i started from the top standing on 4 by 12 pieces
of wood and lowering them down slowly. That took an hour to get down
so we could get everything in. In took two loads to get it all in and
we fixed their electricity and carried there kitchen table across the
roofs of all the neighbors houses. lol. It was a very long day.
Church was very good. We actually have priesthood now in the ward
which is nice but i learned something. Many members dont trust the
elders. I have no clue why but it looks like something we will be
changing here. Aquino and I plan to have lots of success and that wont
be happening without the members. Therefor this will change!
Quick funny story. Yesterday we were teaching a new investigator about
baptism and i learned something new. When Jesus floated down the river
and the pharohs wife found him, she had john the baptist come over and
dunk baby jesus 3 times in the water. Yes he said Jesus and not moses.
I have no clue where he learned this but it was intersting. We will
see what we can do next time.
To finish this up a little tidbit. The last week of my last transfer i
spent a lot of time thinking a couple days. I didnt want to leave my
area but i knew i needed a change. I had lost all desire to do
contacts. It sucks alot of the time. I remeber thinking to myself that
i need a companion that likes contacting so that i can rebuild the
desire to contact. Turns out another confirmation that God does know
our thoughts. I got the perfect companion for this. We contact alot
and we have found a few people through it which i think will help
alot. Once again God has blessed me in my life and i know he will do
the same for you if you just ask and believe.
Elder Martino
hood in the states is like a gated community compared to this. Its
called the Ceibo. We cant be there past 6. We are always accompanied
by a member for safety. It is pretty sweet but interesting. Notice, I
have not been robbed yet. Maybe due to the fact because my companion.
Because my companion is only 5 ft everyone thinks im a lot bigger then
i am. Its rather helpful at times when pibes start walking up to us
yelling. First off my companion, Elder Aquino. I do regret something.
I started this transfer off with the wrong mindset. I thought this was
going to be a super hard transfer and difficult and id hate it. Wrong
attitude! Ya my comp is a 5ft butterball-fastwalking-argentine, but he
is great. The kid is 26 and has a real desire to be here. He works
hard and just needs guidance. I am going to learn alot this transfer
but it is going to be a good one. He is a good guy with his heart in
the right place.
Monday was a good but quick night. I got settled into our new pench
then we left to go see a couple people. It rained all night(i have
learned to love walking in the rain). Oh, ha best part. So we are
taking a bus back to our area and Aquino decides he wants an umbrella
for the rain so he buys one from a guy down there. We walk out and
opens it and it breaks in the wind. I was laughing pretty hard and got
him laughing too.
Now Tuesday. Today we went to Ceibo for a bit. I met an old couple who
have been members for 36 years. Really caught me off guard but the man
comes up to me and tells me to sit down in fron of him. He then sits
down on the ground and proceeds to shine my shoes for me. He says it
is what he does for his job and it is what he does for all the
missionaries to pay back a little bit for what they did for him. I
will say it was the best shine i have had ever. It truely that i was
definately going to get robbed after that and have to walk home
without shoes. We went through the villa looking for a couple members
and investigators and a guy stops us. We proceed to talk for a bit in
the middle of the whole place. He proceeds to tell us we are good kids
but doing the devils work. He tries for a while to get us to say a
prayer with him in the middle of the place where we hold hands and
repeat what he says...Well we got him to let us into his house and say
a prayer. We made a deal that we will repeat his prayer about us doing
the devils work if we can say a prayer first. Itwent well i guess...
Quick side note, the members i mentioned above have two dogs.
Interesting but these two dogs follow us everywhere we go inside the
villa. If we go inside a house they wait outside then continue with
us. They bark at anybody we dont know or any dog that tries to
approach us. Kind of cool.
The rest of the week passed by way quick. Everyday we somehow ended up
to come back to the pench with more food that we didnt buy. Im trying
hard not to get fat mom.
Saturday. Well we did 2 service projects that took all day. In the
morning we were building ahouse and in the afternoon we helped a
family move. It took forever!! Their old house was a small passage way
that passed 4 other houses all the way to their house in thevery back.
The passage is just barely wide enough to fit their kitchen table
through. That took a while but nothing compared to what happened next.
Aquino and I rode in the back of the moving truck in pitch dark
singing hymns for about 30 mins with everything bouncing all over the
place. We get to the new house and it is the same situation but
skinnier AND the neighbor had built a skaffelding(sp) to build up on
his house. The stories high and very very shaky. Its a good thing you
werent there mom cuz i started from the top standing on 4 by 12 pieces
of wood and lowering them down slowly. That took an hour to get down
so we could get everything in. In took two loads to get it all in and
we fixed their electricity and carried there kitchen table across the
roofs of all the neighbors houses. lol. It was a very long day.
Church was very good. We actually have priesthood now in the ward
which is nice but i learned something. Many members dont trust the
elders. I have no clue why but it looks like something we will be
changing here. Aquino and I plan to have lots of success and that wont
be happening without the members. Therefor this will change!
Quick funny story. Yesterday we were teaching a new investigator about
baptism and i learned something new. When Jesus floated down the river
and the pharohs wife found him, she had john the baptist come over and
dunk baby jesus 3 times in the water. Yes he said Jesus and not moses.
I have no clue where he learned this but it was intersting. We will
see what we can do next time.
To finish this up a little tidbit. The last week of my last transfer i
spent a lot of time thinking a couple days. I didnt want to leave my
area but i knew i needed a change. I had lost all desire to do
contacts. It sucks alot of the time. I remeber thinking to myself that
i need a companion that likes contacting so that i can rebuild the
desire to contact. Turns out another confirmation that God does know
our thoughts. I got the perfect companion for this. We contact alot
and we have found a few people through it which i think will help
alot. Once again God has blessed me in my life and i know he will do
the same for you if you just ask and believe.
Elder Martino
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